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How To Get Rid of Those Pesky Lawn Insects for Good

If you want to kill those pesky lawn insects, then Bradley Mowers has the solution. Our team of expert landscapers has years of experience in pest control and knows how to handle any bug or insect without harming the grass. If you’re ready to enjoy your backyard again, follow the simple steps below and watch your lawn return to its former glory.


Everybody knows how destructive caterpillars can be for your lawn. These pests can devour all the leaves on your plants, leaving them vulnerable to disease and other problems. Luckily, there are some things you can do to get rid of caterpillars for good. First, try using bacillus thuringiensis or a natural remedy such as diatomaceous earth or neem oil.

Grub Worms

These pests are common in lawns and can cause damage if left unchecked. Brown patches of grass can appear when white grubs feed on the roots. Dig a small square foot patch on your lawn with a flat shovel and count the grubs. If you see more than six, you should treat the grass. Lawn grub remedies come in a variety of forms from garden centers. Pick the least hazardous treatment, and pay close attention to how to apply it. Water the insecticide into the soil so it can reach the grubs. You may need to repeat this process to kill them all. Early spring is the best time to eliminate grubs before they have a chance to hatch.

Chinch Bugs

If you have chinch bugs, you may notice small, brownish-red insects with white wings congregating on your lawn. Chinch bugs feed on plant juices, which can cause your grass to turn yellow and die. Deter these pests by watering often and clearing thatch in the fall. Chinch bugs cannot lay eggs or overwinter on the lawn without the protection of thatch. If that doesn't work, use carbaryl or trichlorfon bifenthrin insecticides. Use these as a last resort because they are not organic and kill beneficial insects.

Prepping Your Grass Before Treatment Can Save You Money and Time


It's good to take preventative measures to avoid pest treatments down the line. First, ensure you're mowing at the proper height. If your grass is too short, it will be more susceptible to pests and diseases. Second, water over time to let the water sink in rather than run off. Watering this way will make your grass more resilient to pests and drought. Third, fertilize with a slow-release fertilizer to promote healthy growth.

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Everything You Need to Know About Lawn Maintenance in a Drought

Drought conditions can stress your lawn more than almost any other kind of weather. Stress can make the grass more prone to harm from insects, invasive weeds and general poor health. This is why you need to carefully fight against drought conditions even if you can’t do anything to change the weather. The following essential techniques and tips will help you carry your lovely green carpet of grass through the dry times and back into lush vibrancy.

Preventing Drought Harm Before It Happens

Even before your lawn falls victim to a period of drought, you can apply preventative measures that make a difference later. 

The first of these is simply choosing a healthy grass species that’s particularly drought-resistant. Specialist grass suppliers often sell deep-rooted grass variants that thrive better during dry spells. If you’re seeding a new lawn or reseeding new shoots in your old grass, choose these species for better resilience. Even combined with weaker grass species, the presence of these hardy shoots helps preserve lawn moisture content for the whole lawn.

Secondly, while the weather is humid or moist, keep your lawn well cared for, fertilized, aerated and boosted by occasional deep watering. Combining all of these measures encourages robust health and helps preserve moisture in the roots and soil.

Lawn Care During a Drought

When dry weather has arrived, there are several things you can do to help your turf overcome the arid spell. These are the essential elements of lawn protection during a drought:

Avoid Lawn and Garden Projects

Anything that reduces overall soil moisture content and stresses your lawn is a bad idea when it’s dry. This includes lawn projects that involve digging of any kind. Opening the soil, either with major digs, trenches or aeration holes makes your lawn soil dry out much faster. Tramping on the grass and flattening it during garden work also makes things worse.

Stop Mowing

Tall grass traps moisture by keeping the soil below shadier. This is a good thing during a drought. Even if it leaves your grass looking a bit shaggy for a few weeks, don’t mow it when the heat ratchets up. Let the long shoots take care of themselves as much as possible.

Water Infrequently but Deeply

Local bylaws might actively prohibit using too much water during drought conditions. If this is the case, whenever the rules allow it, give your lawn a deep, robust watering that helps the soil retain maximum dry-period moisture content. Early morning hours between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m., right before or shortly after sunrise, are ideal for this.

Post-Drought Care


Once wet weather comes back, take advantage of the pre-winter months to repair and help your lawn recover before winter sets in. You can do this by giving the grass an aeration treatment, applying a healthy dose of fertilizer over the aerated grass and then watering deeply a few days after that.